Friday, April 30, 2010

Working with photograper Whitney Hardie

Recently i worked with photographer Whitney Hardie. I wanted to capture an image of my 18th century jacket and waistcoat (seen in the images here) that I constructed a few months back.
To compliment the look, Whitney choose a location that helped realize the undertones of society during the 18th century. I found the juxtaposition of this location with the color of the costumes very becoming and fresh.
The jacket & waistcoat were cut and modified from a modern pattern. The fabrics were purchased in Los Angeles and Utah. The metallic foiling roses were created with fabric foils, a heat press and glue that adheres the foil to the fabric.

Photographer: Whitney Hardie~ Hardie Photography
Stylist: Haleh Risdana
Jacket & Waistcoat Construction: Haleh Risdana
Models: Shelby Luke & Kaitlyn Kilough Shields

Monday, November 16, 2009